Spring 2014 Lineup

Thirty three anime. I am hurting bad. I think I have three main series left and two anime shorts. The rest are on-going kid shows so I think it’s safe to close this lineup for now. I’ll need to collect my energy for Soul Eater Not and I’ll need to see the first seasons of Hanamonogatari and Mushishi before I watch it. Again, these are grouped according to their score. Anything eight and above is something I wholeheartedly recommend. Those grouped in 7s are flawed but good shows. I think most 6s are mediocre but still enjoyable to a degree. Some 5s cater to specific individual who’ll find their appeal charming despite the heavy flaws. 4s are doable but boring and 3 below are just plain bad. I think I am finally getting a good grasp of how my score system works. Anyways, click on the picture to see the review.

To those that care, I will not be moving on to Summer 2014 for now. I have unfinished business as I skipped Winter 2014 and I need to mop up Fall 2013. The perfectionist inside is insisting I come back for the shows I purposely abandoned. I will also tackle Fall 2010 as it is in my review poll for now. This’ll keep me busy for a long time. Oh, and another lineup as well. This is a lineup I dropped in favor of current lineups but I think it’s time to comeback to it. I’ll keep it secret for now. That’s that. Let me rest now.


9-haikyuu Continue reading

Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou Review

This is review number two hundred and ninety two. This anime is part of the Spring 2014 lineup. It’s a show called Boku wa Minna Kawaisou. With all my years reading fansubs, I think it translates to “We are all pitiful” but the show is officially called “The Kawai Complex Guide to Manors and Hostel Behavior”. I guess my translating sucks. Good thing I just review these shows. Anyways, this is a twelve episode anime about a story that reminded me of some old shows I used to love when I was a kid. It also has a masochist and a girl with big breast in it. Yeah, sounds like a fun time. Let’s read on.

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